Why advertise with us?
Guide Immo is an online directory that encompasses all of Quebec’s new real estate projects. Our website offers a wealth of relevant and useful real estate information. Our goal is to help promoters and buyers connect in a welcoming and personalized virtual setting, thus enabling them to make informed business transactions.

Advertising on Guide Immo allows you to develop a personalized and strategic marketing plan that creatively and optimally enables your project to stand out. Several packages are available, choose the one that will make visitors notice your project on our website, a site with more than 1000 visits daily. We are authentic and honest; our stats are real—no fake clicks or click bots to boost our numbers—we believe in fair play.
More than 273 developers trust us with their projects.
How to advertise with us?
Guide Immo offers a variety of strategies to increase your project’s visibility. The simplest is the COLLECTION™ label that makes your project five times more visible to our visitors. Starting at $1720/year.

Our media kit
We suggest three ways to reach your target clientele.
The online directory and its newsletter
The online directory and its newsletter offer additional visibility thanks to their assortment of advertising spaces.
The blog
The blog features quality marketing content such as critiques that offer projects greater visibility and credibility.
Social media
Social media allows you to make the most of our sizeable Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest communities.
At Guide Immo you’ll have real statistics
By becoming a member of our site’s COLLECTION™ label, you’ll know exactly where your money is going.
Every month, a performance report details the number of views for your project’s vignette, the quantity of information requests sent and how your project is faring on our social media accounts.
This report also allows you to independently add advertising content and join a maximize marketing content package, depending on the number of views you want to obtain.

Your project’s performance report content
The personalized performance report allows you to optimize your visibility on our website; it includes the following items :
- Overall directory traffic
- Your project’s performance
- Postings of your project on our social media platforms
- Relevant articles
- Most popular projects
- Visibility optimization
Become a partner real estate broker with Guide Immo
Purchasing a new property is often the most important purchase our visitors will make. All visitors requesting information for a project that is not included in our website’s COLLECTION™ label are directed to one of our partner real estate brokers. These brokers work with our visitors to help them purchase a new house or condo. More so, when required, brokers can assist these visitors with the sale of a current property.

How to become a partner real estate broker
At Guide Immo we love to work with experts. If you meet the three criteria listed below, then go for it, contact us at 514 443-4909 and, together, we’ll see how our directory can increase your clientele and leads.
- You are a member of the Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ)
- You have extensive knowledge of the Quebec real estate market
- You are friendly and kind, your client’s well-being is key
Upload a project’s plans onto a real estate website
SMART CONDO PLANS is software that enables condominium or apartment plans to be uploaded onto a real estate project’s website. The plans can then easily be replaced, modified or deleted from the website by the promoter’s team, without any specific training. This software is available in English and French.

You are the master of your plans !
Independently, in just a few clicks and without any specific know-how, you can modify a unit’s price, update its status or even change a floor plan!
SMART CONDO PLANS allows you to quickly and efficiently upload any real estate project’s plans.
SMART CONDO PLANS is backed by a dedicated customer service team who will assist and advise you during the entire upload.
SMART CONDO PLANS, an online architectural plan software, is an accessible tool that will enable you to attract a specific clientele.
Let’s go!
Propel your real estate project with Guide Immo.(514) 443-4909